The Symphony of Peace Prayers in Baguio City, Philippines was held at Villa Romana Inn at Sunrise last May 14, 2017 in conjunction with Byakko Shinko Kai, Fuji Sanctuary, Japan with support from Peace organizations represented by Dr. Genevieve Kupang, Mario “Toots” Fungo, Gil Reoma, the interfaith community in Baguio and Maela Liwanag Jose and Sonny Zandueta of Villa Romana.
We were all up at 4 am, Sunday, at dawn of May 14 and started preparing for the sunrise SOPP. The food was prepared by Dada Priya of Ananda Marga. The registration of participants started at 5 am. There were around 27 participants.
At around 6 am, the participants gathered around the open space. The peace pole was placed at the center with the flags of all the countries in the world surrounding it.
When the participants settled at their positions around the peace pole, Maela Liwanag Jose rang the Timsha meditation bells and Titus Del Rosario started playing a flute solo to set the tone for the sunrise meditation. The SOPP celebration has begun.
There was an introduction and history of the Symphony of Peace Prayers by Dr. Genevieve Kupang.
This was followed by a welcoming remark by Maela Liwanag Jose of Villa Romana.
Sister Vangie Ram of Brahma Kumaris led the initial meditation.
Readings and prayers for Peace for the countries of the four corners of the world followed.
A second meditation was led by Dada Priya of Ananda Marga.
This was followed by yoga movements led by Nerisse Villanueva.
The Hare Krishna group then took the floor for a talk on spirituality and then followed by chanting.
A prayer for all mothers on Mother’s day was said, led by Dr. Kupang then we exchanged gestures of Peace saying "We are one in mind and heart."
We will continually strive to free the human spirit for deep creativity, and to nurture the transformation necessary to forge a new paradigm in all spheres of human activity, including economics, science, medicine, politics, business, education, religion, the arts, communication and the media… The Fuji Declaration’s most pivotal question is “What is our true nature?” The answer is we are loving, compassionate, wise and joyful when we come alive through the divine spark in our spirit. For each one of us to know transcendent peace, there must be a personal transformation that brings about a new consciousness within us; a new way of thinking, a new way of being. From this new consciousness, our outward actions will naturally align with our true nature.
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