We were so deeply moved because this very spiritual event was very well organized and it was participated by so many loving people. At the start and going inside the Foundation, we already saw different flags displayed all around with the greeters and ushers all with bright smiles welcoming each and every participant of the SOPP. We felt that we were all very important people and we can't help but appreciate their simple gestures of welcoming us all.
The organizers prepared a registration table with volunteers to instruct us all to register first before the ushers escort us to our seats. We can't help but really appreciate that they even dressed up in our very own national attire.
Children are so lovely and they willingly give their smiles to everyone. Upon entering the SOPP venue, we were so surprised to see so many participants. We learned that many years before, participants of the SOPP were also this many.
Important guests started to arrive. Rather than sit comfortably in our chairs, we took a picture of the stage with the streamer so lovingly done by Mandala Peace Arts Initiative resident artist Gabriel David A. Medina. Gabby also helped in the video documentation of this event.
Also displayed is the Mandala of the Soul of Women which is created by Gabriel Medina and Oscar Ejercito.
All this time that we were taking pictures and videos, Dr. Genie Balance Kupang continuously welcome everyone talking about the relevance of the Symphony of Peace Prayers and why different religions must be one in our journey towards Peace.
Later on, we formally started the SOPP event by the entrance of colors and singing of the Philippine National Anthem.
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