May 20,2018, Sunday, @Arellano University, Legarda Manila, Philippines
This year’s 14th Symphony of Peace Prayers (SOPP 2018) was held at Arellano University, Legarda Manila, Philippines and it was organized by Mandala Peace Arts Initiatives, Inc, Peacemakers Circle Foundation, Byakko Shinko Kai in cooperation with Arellano University. It was participated by different religious groups and organizations from Christians, Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic, Brahma Kumaris, Hindu, Hare Krishna (International Society for Krishna Conciousness), Bahai Faith and Muslims.
At the registration table, two beautiful ladies from Mandala Peace Arts Initiatives, Inc. namely Ms. Rosario Lagadia and Ms. Wrenzzel Rain Fungo gave their warm welcome and beautiful smiles to the participants. Ms. Michelle Garrido from Arellano University later joined them.
Two videos about the SOPP in Japan and the Philippines were presented by Mr. Gabriel David A. Medina, member of Mandala Peace Arts, Initiatives, Inc. to entertain the SOPP participants.
While waiting for more participants to arrive, people from Hare Krishna (ISKCON) rendered a beautiful song number with musical instruments.
People were really entertained as they listen and took videos and pictures of the performers.
Later on, everyone joined their hearts and hands together in prayer as Mr. Mario "Toots" Fungo, President of Mandala Peace Arts Initiatives, Inc.(MPAI) started the World Peace Prayer Ceremony.
This was followed by Ms. Wrenzzel Rain Fungo, member of Mandala Peace Arts, Initiatives, Inc. who prayed the Prayer for a World without Conflict, Muslim Brother Abdul Rahman Sharief Saripada who prayed the Prayer for Harmony between Humanity and Nature and Mr. Gabriel David Medina who shared the Fuji Declaration.
A warm welcome and inspirational message was later delivered by Ms. Andreline D. Ansula, the Director of the Office of Community Development of Arellano University.
Ms. Madelyn Gonzaga Caadan read the message for participants and organizers of SOPP 2018 in behalf of Ms. Masami Saionji, the Chairperson of Byakko Shinko Kai.
After giving the message, Ms. Madelyn gave the floor to Mr. Mario "Toots" Fungo who invited religious leaders to pray their respective prayers for Global Peace.
Ms. Shakuntala Vaswani (Hindu) shared her prayer for Peace. She was followed by Brother Eric Ramos (Eastern Catholic) who even shared a short video about Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Sister Vida Cordero (Roman Catholic) then prayed her peace prayer after Brother Eric.
Sister Rajni Daulatram (Brahma Kumaris) then led everyone to a peaceful meditation.
This was followed by Mrs. Kathy Lising (Bahai Faith), Mr. Adhoksaja Das (Hari Krishna "International Society for Krishna Conciousness") and Ms. Rhoa Elvina and Ms. Lilian O. Dimasangca (Muslim/Islam).
It was a very solemn moment for all the religious leaders who prayed for Peace for the world. The prayer to address the four directions of the Earth was then led by Ms. Michelle Garrido, Program Coordinator of the office of Community Development of Arellano University and also a member of Mandala Peace Arts Initiatives, Inc. With her in prayer were Ms. Rhoa Elviña, Ms. Lilian O. Dimasangca and Ms. Aira O. Espera.
A prayer of Gratitude to Mother Earth's Elements was prayed by Mr. Gabriel David A. Medina and Ms. Rosario Lagadia.
The Soul of Women/ Divine Feminity was delivered by Dr. Noemi Medina from the Bahai Faith.
Everyone joined Mr. Mario "Toots" Fungo, Mr. Oscar Ejercito, and Mr. Gabriel David A. Medina in performing “Jinrui Soku Kami Nari” which is an action prayer for humanity and the world. A Tai Chi relaxation and healing exercise was then performed by Mr. Oscar Ejercito, a Tai Chi instructor and member also of Mandala Peace Arts Initiative, Inc.
Another beautiful prayer music was shared again by our brothers from the Hare Krishna (International Society for Krishna Conciousness).
Mrs. Kathy Lising of the Bahai Faith then shared an inspirational message. A healing prayer for mankind in Arabic was then led by Dr. Martha Taylor who is also from the Bahai Faith.
Before closing the event, a gratitude message from Peacemaker's Circle Foundation was delivered by Ms. Shakuntala Vaswani. Another gratitude speech from Mandala Peace Arts Initiatives, Inc. was delivered by Mr. Gabriel David A. Medina. After that, Mr. Mario "Toots" Fungo formally closed the event and prayed the prayer before meals.
Everyone enjoyed a delicious Vegan Pancit c/o Ms. Rosario Lagadia and other refreshments prepared by Mr. Abdul Sharief Saripada and Ms. Madelyn Gonzaga Caadan.
Before parting ways, everyone greeted each other in Peace and in Love. We also had a group picture together and several small groups picture taking.